
Todays riding went from Greve in Chianti to Castellina in Chianti, and we succeded to blow one tire really "great", an almost three inches wide hole on the side of the tire. Luckily it happened the rider in the group on one of the most flat parts of this days ride... In Radda we had a good lunch at a place called Pizza Pie, and they have really good pizza there, you must try that place one day.

This days tour in Chianti

Efter dagens väl förvärvade cykeltur till Castellina med samma grupp som igår, så fick jag den äran att få skjuts hem till Florens. Även om jag ibland kör sådana distanser på egen hand, så är man mentalt mycket tröttare efter att ha haft ansvaret för en grupp under en hel dag.

Questa giornata andata molto bene, ma una foratura a la grande abbiamo avuto comunque. Ha successo nella pianura, niente di male.



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