Åhej, det var nästan vårkänslor i trakterna runt Florens idag, man kunde se folk i t-shirt gåendes omkring. Så det fick bli en liten runda på 6 mil bortåt Montelupo Fiorentino och Cerbaia, tillsammans med Riccardo, en klubbkompis som är inflyttad från Milano. I släkten så har han en gammal storcyklist vid namn Fiorenzo Magni, som vann Girot tre gånger.
Another day of shining sun-light in Florence, to the joy for all shoppers in downtown, and the cyclists in the countryside. The talked about only 11 degrees Celsius (52 F), but it felt like much more, around 60 at least. It was plenty of riders out riding today, many companies seems to closed between the holidays. Even the workers down at "our" yard seems to have got some days off, which makes me able to sleep longer during the mornings :-)
Another day of shining sun-light in Florence, to the joy for all shoppers in downtown, and the cyclists in the countryside. The talked about only 11 degrees Celsius (52 F), but it felt like much more, around 60 at least. It was plenty of riders out riding today, many companies seems to closed between the holidays. Even the workers down at "our" yard seems to have got some days off, which makes me able to sleep longer during the mornings :-)