
This Sunday I rode with my bike team (ASD Veloclub Florence By Bike) on the first Raduno for the season. we started on the western outskirts of Florence (San Quirico) and headed down in to Chianti, almost to Greve, before we climbed over from Via Chiantigiana to Via Cassia and headed up north again, through San Casciano and back in time for the pasta-party at the place of San Quirico. A nice 50 mile ride with about 3000 feet of elevation to climb, not to forget the entertaining downhills.

Idag var det dags för första motionsloppet för säsongen här i trakterna runt Florens. Det blev en dryga sju mil ner bland de vackra kullarna i Chianti, där vi nästan kunde se vinrankorna och olivträden skaka vinterrusket av sig och börja spira i det fina vårvädret. Naturligtvis så blev det ett traditionsenligt pasta-party med Chianti-vin efteråt. Italienerana vet hur man organiserar motionstävlingar på cykel! Motionsloppen arrangeras av privata cykelklubbar eller motionsföreningar tillsammans med den rikstäckande idrottsorganisationen UISP (Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti).

Un bel giro oggi con la squadra, davero! Un Raduno ben organizzato di San Quirico. Nostro squadra è arrivato come quinto squadra oggi, e abbiamo portato a casa un piccola "coppetta" oggi!



We had a marvellous walk up to hills north of Florence today, we walked by the Villa di Maiano and their old stone caves, further up to the Monte Ceceri and took a lunch brake at the Piazza di Leonardo da Vinci, with a fantastic view down to Florence. We excercised with with ropes to do some knots and securing for difficult passages in the mountains. After our "tea-time" we headed down past by the Castle Vincigliata and back to the Villa of Maiano. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/152502103

Vi hade en mycket trevlig vandring upp bland kullarna norr om Florens, vi såg de gamla stenbrotten utanför Villa di Maiano och vidare upp mot Monte Ceceri. Beundrade utsikten och övade med våra rep för att säkra svåra passager uppe bland bergen. På vägen ner så passerade vi det anrika slottet Vincigliata, där en svensk adelskvinna har varit på besök.

Oggi abbiamo fatto una bella camminata da Villa di Maiano passando le cave verso la cima di Monte Ceceri, e poi più avanti verso il Castello di Vincigliata, per finire di nuovo sotto Villa di Maiano.



Cykelfrämjandets tidning Cykling kommer att ha ett stort cykelsemester-nr som kommer ut i mars. Enligt rykten så kommer undertecknad att vara med, som den cyklande vinguiden i Toskana...

Today is sunshine all over the place in Florence, and they have promised about 20 degrees (70 Fahrenheit). I think I will runaway with my bike for a while.

Che bella giornata oggi, pomeriggio scappo con al bici se non qualche degustazione del vino viene incanto a me :-) Oggi è il primo giorno di Anteprima di Brunello a Montalcino, che non è male come bevanda. La fiera si chiama Benvenuto di Brunello.



Wow, according to my Garmin I consumed over 3700 calories today, I think I will have another "Semla".

Min Garmin påstår att jag konsumerade över 3700 kalorier när jag var ute på min 9-milarunda idag, med passage över Passo Sugame innan vi dundrade ner till Greve och vidare norrut mot Florens. Sverige fick en ny prinsessa idag, det är bara att gratulera!

Un bel giro ogg, e Francesco è in forma, davvero.



After several wine-tastings at the fair Chianti Classico Collection I needed to go out on my bike, and took a nice 60 k ride on the flats to Montelupo Fiorentino, with a "wall of winds" on the way back to Florence.

Såg på Chianti Classico-mässan här i Florens att Munskänkarna gav Chianti och Chianti Classico-organisationen utmärkelsen som årets vin-region, och det kan man ju bara bocka och buga för, det kändes fint. Själv är man inne på åttonde året nu, och stortrivs. Äter gott, dricker gott, och har den vackra naturen med det behagliga klimatet alldeles inpå knuten.

Vino, bici e una serata pieno di studi per diventare Guida Turistica Ambientale, sono belle stanco!



En strålande dag denna "semmel-dag", utan semla dock för min del. Det blev dock en härlig cykeltur i vårsolen.

A wonderful day, including a bike ride and some nice food. But no wine-tastings today.

Una bella giornata che portava anche una giratina sulla bicicletta, non è male.



Idag så blir det prov i meteorologi! Nu ska jag visa professorn hur man gör väder...

Today we will have a test in meteorology, trying to explain how all this weather comes in to place...

Prova di meteorologia oggi, grande!



Idag så hade vi en underbar vandring från Fiesole över Settignano till Girone, och trampade stundtals på gamla stenlagda vägar sedan de gamla etruskernas dagar. Inga släta salsgolv direkt, men vad gör man inte för att bli lite historisk?

We walked along a wonderful trail from Fiesole over Settignano to Girone, following in the footsteps of old Etruscans on their way to Pontassieve, Via Sette Ponti and further on to Arezzo. A quite nice walk, with many times having Florence down in our sight, as a magnificient background on these splendid views. And the sunset, wow!



Only 5 wines tested today, like a desert :-)

Solen sken och vi hade 15 grader varmt mitt på dagen.... vad gör man då? Låser in sig på en vinmässa och provar viner, pratar med vinodlare och försöker glömma den fina cykelmöjligheten. Men man kan inte få allt. Jag cyklar imorgon istället!



Denna kväll så gick vi igenom det toskanska regelverket för vad en vandringsguide får göra och inte göra, skyldigheter och rättigheter, ansvar o d. Tänk er 20 italienare i ett rum som får ett antal lagparagrafer att reflektera över, diskutera och raljera över. Det tog flera timmar...

E Milan ha vinto contro Arsenal nel Champions league,
forza Milan e Ibra!

For our bike teams race (raduno) we will organize the 2 June we have now secured the arrival spot on Campo di Marte, close to the same spot as the finish line for the road cycling World Championship here in Florence in 2013 (maybe a reason to come and visit us?). We will have two different courses for our Raduno, one 80 k and one 100 k.



Happy Valentine day! Lyckliga Alla Hjärtans Dag! Buon San Valentino!



Today we learned all about Italian predators, even the scary wolf...



Brrrrr in Florence......

Men det blev ändå en liten cykeltur bortåt Signa och en värmande vandring upp mot Villa Maiano:
Och en värmande grappa efter dagens middag, det behövdes!

For those people who likes chocolate you should been at the Piazza Santa Croce in Florence today, there it was held a big "smoky" festival with all kind of chocolates, boiling or more "firm" ones...
http://www.fieradelcioccolato.it/photo-gallery.html, but you still have your chance, it continues until the 19th.



Brrrr i Florens, men det är inget mot vad de har i Rimini, en meter snö och folk åker längdskidor längs med badstränderna, de har mer snö än hemma i Sverige .....

Provade ett gott kryddigt strukturerat vin från Emilia-Romagna, med samma idé som "Super-Tuscan" eller "Super-Toskan", med Sangiovese och Cabernet Sauvignon, fast det låter inte lika klatschigt med "Super-Emilia Romagnolo"...

För den som vill lära sig om italienska träd och fåglar, så kan man gå detta vandringsspår i stads-parken Parco delle Cascine i Florens:

2 km lång, med 21 stationer beskrivande de mest typiska fåglarna och träden som existerar i Toskana och delar av Italien, allt på italienska förstås!



Finally, some heat and sunlight, let's ride down in Chianti! It became about 65 k and some good sun-tan, lovely! http://connect.garmin.com/activity/148335772, together with zio Moreno and our visitor from Adelaide Australia, Carmen.

I tre "muschettieri"      zio1 e zio2

Jag försöker hitta lite speciella lådbox-viner till Sverige, där låd-viner är väldigt populärt. Nuförtiden så går det att hitta åtskilliga goda producenter av box-viner, men det tog sin tid innan italienarna började ta upp den här vanan att vin går att ha plastpåse med pappkartong runtom. Inte lika elegant kanske, men praktiskt!



Walking in the Cascine Park in Florence, looking for trees and birds, preparing for Saturdays hike with my hiking class-mates. We are supposed to design the tour for 9-year olds. If I only could remember how I was when I was 9 years old...



Power-walking for sure, and tasting some really good Merlot-wine from Piedmont, with a nice little touch of Nebbiolo, a winning combination!



Today we had some First Aid information and excercise on the tour guide course, everyone in the class had to secure the breathing and consciusness of the doll, her/his name we never got to know...

Still to cold for riding, but they have promised warmer weather on Thursday, so I will do some "power walking" until that day. Can't really make it with in-door cycling like spinning, I need a landscape which changes when I'm pedalling.



Brrr, cold winds from the hills today, but Fiorentina succeded to win against Udinese in soccer, 3-2. As always I could hear the Fiorentina-fans singing from the stadium, louder than usual today, probably to keep themselves warm in this Scandinavian-inspired weather we have here these days.

After yesterdays wonderful hike with snowshoes I took an easy day today, and just went for a long walk downtown and some shopping, properly dressed with all winter gear I had!

Tried a new Sangiovese Superiore from Emilia Romagna today, which I really can recommend, you can soon read about on Vinoch.se

I guess some people in the States are getting ready for the Superbowl now? Who will win between New England Patriots and New York Giants? I think the Patriots.



Snow-shoe hiking!

This day me and some friends on the tour guide hiking-course hiked up on the slopes around Falterona, from Castagno d'Andrea up to Borbotto, trying out some exciting snow-shoes. We walked around 11 k with 600 m of altitude "climbing", under constant snow-falling, which made the landscape looking like a winters fairy tale. A link with all my GPS-data you can find
here. I have downloaded a map with the plotted out route we hiked:

It was to much snow to make it all the way up to mountain top of Falterona (1600 m above sea level), but we made it all the way to Borbotta, where the river Borbotto starts. With all the snow which was fallin we wouldn't have seen so far from Falterona, so we saved that to a sunny clear day instead. Falterona is a magic place, with the beginning of river Arno, some old Etrushian settlements, and views which on a clear day takes far out on the meditaranean sea, with islands like Elba, Corsica and Sardinia in sight.

Pictures of the magic landscape and some of my fellow hiking classmates:

Photos by Alessio

To walk with these snow-shoes you to walk a little bit differently, like wearing diapers like a 1-year old... but they helped when we walked through 40-50 cm of snow. I wouldn't probably have thought of even try to walk without snowshoes in conditions like this. Whe it was really steep on the way down the snow-shoes functioned almost as mini-ski's, sliding down like a new-born skier almost.

The author in question:

Photo: Samuele


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